Bad or Beautiful?

Have you been on twitter lately…or maybe instagram?

I have…actually daily and something I must say is I’m disgusted with the way my generation is evolving especially one particular thing that gets to me is the way guys categorize girls now a days and the way we accept it.

If you do not have a HUGE ass, drawn in eyebrows, long hair, flat stomach and don’t dress the way everyone else dresses you are not considered beautiful or as the new word for beautiful is “bad”

“bad bitches” “the baddest bitch” Are common terms that I see EVERYDAY and this is not coming from just guys this is coming from WOMEN themselves. How degrading of ourselves have we become…we allow guys and other women to call us bitches for what? Just because the word “bad” is in front of it? It’s sad to see

It’s sad that because some girls don’t have huge asses they are not considered beautiful…

Last time I checked beautiful wasn’t just appearance it was everything about you including your personality…I know there are other people out there who feel as I do. I can’t be the only one confused on why our generation thinks getting ass implants is “sexy”

I don’t know why this is happening or when it will stop but I do not join in with these new ideas of beautiful and I honestly never will.



“My type”

The people who say…” I would never talk to him/her she’s ugly” amaze me. They amaze me because those same people are the ones who never end up with anyone and/or are always complaining about getting mistreated or left alone.

I have been one of these people before, in high school and still sometimes I catch myself thinking these thoughts..

Looks really don’t matter to me anymore…attraction is more then just looks. All these popular “cute” boys I’ve tried to talk to or date ends up in a disaster because they are too self consumed with themselves to even notice your presence. ( Now I’m not saying all good looking people act like this there is a rare amount of people who do the opposite ) I’ve meet someone who is not my ideal and someone everybody would say is not my type. But clearly my “type” hasn’t been working if I’m still single right? Anyway this “not my type” is something I’m not used to…I’m  not used to someone being nice,caring and listening…So I pull away. I don’t want to pull away but this kindness is so rare and different I don’t even know how to react to it.. If I don’t react soon though Ill loose out…..

But this is the way my generation has raised me….and honestly it’s scary were attracted to the wrong guys/girls and don’t see anything wrong with it because to have an ugly girl/guy would be the end of the world right? It’s sickening to think these are the kind of people I surround myself with but where is there to go when EVERYONE acts like this….


I don’t really have a point to this blog it’s just something I wanted to vent about..




Boston Marathon

What a horrible tragedy that has happened Monday. I am shocked to say the least that things like this are continuing to happen. What gets me the most is that innocent people and children are being hurt in the acts of reckless people. Between the batman movie shooting, elementary shooting, and the multiple firemen being killed in NY I wonder when this will ever stop. Living in NYC I share the feeling of sorrow that we all felt when 9/11 hit with the residents of Boston. I feel they deserve kindness and respect as they have gone through something I would never wish on my worst enemy…..

No remorse

When you have children what makes you really think it’s okay to leave out of their lives for ever….then when they are legal (18 years old) you decide you want to come back? YOU don’t make that decision you cant choose when you would like to come into your child’s life. You created that child now you better man up and take care of that damn child. Right now my generation has nothing but dead beat fathers. Almost every friend of mine lives with their mom and their mom only. Me being a perfect example. Being with my mom my whole life did not make my life any harder…other kids have different reactions but with me I was fine until he started to try. Except it was a lame ass try and it just goes to show people don’t think before having kids. They just fuck up and do it, and I promise to everyone reading this even if no one is reading this my children WILL NOT I repeat WILL NOT have a shitty father. That man will be in their life and will be proud to be in their life.  I salute all you fathers in your children’s life you make it complete. All you dead beat fathers are nothing but just skin and flesh I have no remorse for the sadness you will feel once you realize you created a human being and won’t ever know that human being.


Trying to understand the college system as a college freshman

What I am having a hard time understanding is why colleges make it so difficult for us students. First off we don’t have any money and they completely take advantage of that. These schools put us in a ridiculous amount of debt and in the economy right now there is no way of knowing if I or anyone will get a guaranteed job to pay off the thousands of dollars of debt. Everyone wants us to be educated so bad that’s the number one priority correct? If so why make it so hard for us to get it!!! Community colleges are not something I want to partake in and I shouldn’t have to be suffering because of that! University costs are absolutely ridiculous and one of the most stressful things in life when it shouldn’t be! Also on top of colleges being a million dollars they want us to take classes that don’t have shit to do with our majors. I thought high school was the point of getting all of the knowledge areas out of the way for example classes like ( art, history etc). Even math!!! I am re learning everything about math I learned in high school. I thought college was to learn your major and know it well. Half the time students coming out of college don’t even know jack shit about their major because the universities spend half the time teaching shit we already know!! This is experience is supposed to be fun and sometimes it is but at the end of the day it’s a complete stress builder and makes me think twice about wether college is really for me.

Ashtrays and heartbreaks

I’m actually loving Miley Cyrus new song despite the fact that almost every one and their mother will be judging her its a cool vibe for smokers and even people who just want a mellow tune. People have said her voice and snoop dog *( now snoop lion ) voices don’t mix but I don’t mind it all. I think Miley has a beautiful voice her vocals just aren’t the center of this song and I have a feeling that’s how it was supposed to be. It also shows this new cool side of Miley I absolutely love. So what If she smokes a little or a lot of weed let the girl be she is obviously happy and enjoying life what more to life is there?

What do you guys think about the song? Ashtrays and Heartbreaks



Beauty and the beast

What’s beautiful? How do we define beautiful from ugly. Are our eyes deceiving us? Do we allow our eyes to take over our mind? Why settle for beautiful physically when you can have beautiful emotionally. A lot of kids don’t fit under the category of beautiful…even I don’t. I don’t think looks define you unless you let it define you. I know of a girl who is beautiful inside and out but because the social wouldn’t consider her beautiful she doesn’t believe she is. We let the outside world come to deep into our own world. The only way to be beautiful is to realize everyone is beautiful in their own way as cliche as that sounds….it’s the beautiful truth
