Trying to understand the college system as a college freshman

What I am having a hard time understanding is why colleges make it so difficult for us students. First off we don’t have any money and they completely take advantage of that. These schools put us in a ridiculous amount of debt and in the economy right now there is no way of knowing if I or anyone will get a guaranteed job to pay off the thousands of dollars of debt. Everyone wants us to be educated so bad that’s the number one priority correct? If so why make it so hard for us to get it!!! Community colleges are not something I want to partake in and I shouldn’t have to be suffering because of that! University costs are absolutely ridiculous and one of the most stressful things in life when it shouldn’t be! Also on top of colleges being a million dollars they want us to take classes that don’t have shit to do with our majors. I thought high school was the point of getting all of the knowledge areas out of the way for example classes like ( art, history etc). Even math!!! I am re learning everything about math I learned in high school. I thought college was to learn your major and know it well. Half the time students coming out of college don’t even know jack shit about their major because the universities spend half the time teaching shit we already know!! This is experience is supposed to be fun and sometimes it is but at the end of the day it’s a complete stress builder and makes me think twice about wether college is really for me.